Saturday, August 16, 2008

This Actually Will Help Your Overall Credit Card Rating

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you have been asking yourself the question" how can I repair my credit history, " then you are in need of a few credit repair tips. To get you started, here are five simple credit repair tips that will help you build a foundation for improving your credit, even if you are trying to repair credit after bankruptcy.

There are actually quite a few tips out there that could help you with that goal. First, understand that improving your credit means making some changes in the way you live. Have you been living beyond your means? That means taking a long hard look at your monthly expenses. Do you rely on credit cards to take up some slack each month? Then it is time to make changes in the way you spend money. Is your total indebtedness increasing each month and you have nothing to show for it?

Begin by spending a week paying your expenses out of your checking account and with pocket money- no credit card purchases. If this means eating at home rather than going out, or watching television rather than going to the movies, then so be it. When you don t have the money, you do without. Next, once you have made it through that sobering week and realize you have a spending problem, it is time to take a long hard look at your monthly budget. A budget essentially involves two components: your income and your expenses. If you don t currently operate with a budget, then you are in for a real change.

Ideally, your monthly expenses will be less than your monthly income. A budget, allows you to, when planned properly take care of your obligations, save a dollar or two, and even allows you a treat now and then. If not, you are in big trouble. It also keeps you from running up enormous credit card debt, because you will only allow yourself a certain amount of credit card purchases each month, along with a corresponding amount of payments. But don t cancel those accounts. Third, cut up those credit cards, except for one you will stick back for emergencies.

You want to have active credit cards that show a zero balance on your credit report. By cutting up the cards, you are not tempted to use them, and can pay the outstanding balances down more quickly. This actually will help your overall credit card rating. Fourth, put money in a savings account every month. At the end of the year, you will have$ 3600 plus a small amount of interest. It doesn t matter if you can only put thirty dollars a month in that savings account. While not impressive, that is more in liquid assets than you had before.

Besides, a savings account counts as an asset that will make your credit rating a little better. Plus once you see the balance growing, you will find it a little easier to put in an a little extra here and there, rather than blow it on something you don t need and will not want after a few days. Last, don t get discouraged. Make a big deal of it when you meet or exceed your goals, and cut yourself some slack when you fall a little short. You will do better with your goals some months than others. By focusing on the positive and not giving the negative any more attention than it rightly deserves, you will be able to make great strides in improving your overall financial health, including your credit rating.

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